Wednesday, August 18, 2010

My big Wishlist

I have been compiling a wishlist of appliances that I would like to own. One to help with cake decorating (and for my happiness), one to help with crafting, and two for my coffee habit! The two for my coffee habit would end up saving me money in the long run though. (All good excuses to buy them, right?) I told Eli that he should think of these things when Christmas time rolls around....or my birthday! Seriously, I'm saving up for all of these!

Numero Uno on my list........a KitchenAid!! For one, because I have been baking and making cakes a lot lately, and two, it can be turned into an ice cream maker!! And this one is orange! OMG! They also have the pretty light blue as well as an ALL PINK collection!

In reality......I could live with any one of those in my kitchen! But black or stainless steel would be acceptable as well :)

 Number 2 on my list....a Mr. Coffee Frappuccino Maker! Well, I won't be picky, any frappe maker will do!

This way I could make frappuccino's that are WAY cheaper than Starbucks!

And Number espresso machine! This goes with the frappe maker since Starbucks has spoiled me.....I can't drink just plain ole' has to be Colombian Blend Folgers or Satrbucks......well I guess I can drink the 'regular' stuff but it makes it a lot easier to be around me when I've had a dose of some strong coffee!
This is awesome, but the machine below is beautiful.....I never thought I would say an espresso machine was beautiful!

And finally......a sewing machine!! My mom is being kind enough to let me borrow hers for the moment so I'm in no rush to buy one, but I definitely saving up! I want to try my hand at making my own dresses......maybe. I made boxers before, a dress should be fairly simple, right?
So this sewing machine is definitely not on the market yet, but it matches my car!! And check out that screen, you could really get some amazing detail on that thing!!

It just makes me so excited thinking of all these things! Crazy, I know :) Working on a few things, just wanted to post a little something!



Carol Anne said...

This is an awesome wish list! I don't cook or bake much but I would loooove to have that blue mixer! It's so pretty!

That frap machine looks nice too! I would love one of those. I use my blender to make my own but I'm sure that machine would make it much easier!

And a sewing machine is on my wishlist too! I'm going to ask Seth for one for my birthday. I signed up for the Home Ec class but haven't been able to start yet. My mom's old sewing machine is too confusing to me. haha!

Kayla said...

I absolutely loved those colors for the KitchenAids!! Very retro!

I have used my blender too but I can't seem to get something right....maybe I should look up a recipe online. This thing seems almost fool proof since you put the ice in the pitcher then brew the coffee directly into the pitcher! We will see.....

Is this home ec class something online? Sounds rather interesting!


Lindsay said...

oh my gosh, i need that pink mixer set like now!!!!! Your wish list is awesome!!

Ok so apparently on your toolbar there is an icon that you right click to safely eject the device (mine says right click to safely eject cybershot).

I notice I dont have too if I turn my camera off first.

Hope you have a great weekend :)

Ashley Morris said...

You and me both! Is it sad that I secretly create wedding registries all the time in my mind? :P

xo! Ash

Toni Tralala said...

That looks like the most hi-tech sewing machine I've ever seen. Pretty cool.

Anzouya said...

I want so bad that ALL PINK COLLECTION! It's so AMAZING! Makes you wanna be in the kitchen all day! :-) And that sewing machine from "outer space"...WOW! Do things like that really exist?