Saturday, July 17, 2010

Eleise Hosted a Giveaway, and Guess Who Won!

I decided that I would enter into a giveaway over at Eleise's blog One Artsy Mama thinking I would never win, my usual luck. Then I get this comment on my blog from Eleise saying I've won and I couldn't believe it! I got the prize the other day, a 2x2 mini stitched heart from Laura Belle at OhHi. It even came in a homemade envelope sewn on one side with pink thread! SOOO cute! So, thank you Lauara and thank you Eleise!!! Sorry about the poor picture quality! They were all taken indoors at night so.....

I love the pink cross stitch!
The package came with a thx sticker and a cute little note from Laura!
Here it is in all of it's cuteness!
Just to give you an idea of the size of it.

I love this and can't wait to hang it in my little creative corner!

Oh! And Friday I found out that I won a giveaway at Trisha's blog Mary Sew from Kaelah at Little Chief Honeybee, so I will post pics as soon as I decide what I want! :)



Carol Anne said...

Yay! Congrats on winning! It always brightens up my day when I win one! They are fun!

Cute prize by the way!

Lindsay said...

The cross stitch is sooooo cute!!! You should totally take pics of your crafty corner so i can see!!!


Kayla said...

I've been lucky to win some cool giveaways here lately!

Lindsay - I definitely plan on poasting a pic soon! I'm still working on set up but should be done soon!


rachel said...

this packaging is sooo darling. yes, and don't the starbucks cup make water so easy to drink? i have to pee all the time. it's so bad. but, it's good for you, right? haha.